For an Appointment
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Jeanne McClung, BBA, LMT
Integrated Bodywork
John F. Barnes Myofascial Release
Therapeutic Massage
and Energy healing
Serving Atlanta/Roswell for 26 years
My commitment as a wellness provider is to create a safe and healthy environment.
In our office, we treat some clients who may be immune compromised. We will continue to wear masks, use HEPA filters in the rooms, open windows where possible and disinfect thoroughly between clients.
The nature of our work is to be in close contact for 60 to 90 minutes with our clients and because of the contagious nature of the covid 19 virus and its variants we have instituted the following to ensure everyone's wellbeing and peace of mind and ask that you wear a mask into our office.
* We are fully vaccinated and boosted.
* HEPA Air Purifier in each treatment room which cleans the air every 15 minutes.
* Disinfecting each treatment room, the bathroom and waiting room with an EPA approved Medical Grade Disinfectant on all surfaces between clients.
* As I have always done, fresh linens between clients as well as strict hygienic practices that I have always followed - thoroughly washing hands, arms, elbows completely between clients and before and after sessions.
* Extended the time between clients to allow for increased cleaning and disinfecting and room and opening the windows as weather permits.
* If you have been exposed to someone who has covid 19 or have symptoms yourself - of covid, a cold, sinus or any kind of respiratory symptoms, please cancel your appointment - There will be no penalty charge for cancellation in this case.
Appointment Information
Therapy sessions are avaliable
By appointment only
Monday 11 to 7
Tuesday 11 to 3
Wednesday 11 to 7
Thursday 11 to 3
Friday 11 to 3
Alternate Saturdays 11 to 3
If you need an appointment outside my regular business hours, if possible I will try to accommodate.
$140.00 for a 60 minute session
$200 for a 90 minute session

Cash or Checks Preferred
Credit Cards Accepted
Your time is set aside just for you.
24 hours cancellation is required to avoid paying for your session.
Thank you so much for your consideration
Gift Certificates are available
for any session.
Contact me to buy one today